Wednesday, February 18, 2009


Thank goodness, Wednesday has finally arrived! The days seem very long when you are at a hospital.

We are so grateful for all of friends that have sent emails, given us phone calls and posted on this site with words of encouragement! You are appreciated!!

We saw Justin last night from 8:30 until 9:30 and are headed that way shortly. He is in ICU and has visitation 4 times a day. He is in pain, sedated off & on, has a breathing tube, feeding tube--you get the picture. In spite of it all, he gave us a double thumbs up and his first note written to us was, "I love U". We have snapped our fingers by his ear, touched his forehead and taken his picture to help him know that all is well! Praise the Lord! There is so much to be thankful for, yet still a healing process ahead.

Thanks again for fantastic friends!! We are going to head on over to the hospital.

***The day has been a roller coaster! Justin has been in good spirits, but was sad to learn that he had to have another procedure to move the vocal cord. We had known that it was a possiblity, but the reality is tough. He continues to amaze the doctors with his progress. And continues to amaze us with his spirit and sense of humor. He wanted to make sure there are pictures available to show--of him decked out with all of the tubes, etc! After breathing on his own with the tube inserted all night, the tube was removed at noon. So, each day is one more step forward. He was so delighted when words came out of his mouth the first time that he tried to speak!

Keep those prayers coming as the procedure tomorrow is another hurdle. Thank you again for your hope, love, and prayers.


  1. I love this site, Sherrie! It is so exciting to hear the good news. I hope that after the procedure is done on Thursday, the days go by quickly, and Justin continues to not only give the thumbs up, but will be TELLING you how good he is doing! We love you guys ... tell Justin we are still praying for him!

  2. Wanted to let Justin know that people have been calling to find out about his condition and if it wasnt for ya'lls blog i wouldnt have nearly as much to say. Very happy he's doing well and look forward to seeing all of yall soon. Tell Justin the first rounds on me.

  3. Oh sweet sounds! I know you were all as thrilled as Justin was to hear his voice! I will certainly continue to pray tonight for his procedure tomorrow, but I am certain he is in Good Hands! Oh, by the way, tell him for me that if he were a girl, there would be NO WAY he would allow pictures in those contraptions! His guy friends will be impressed, though, for sure! :-) Love you guys! Diane

  4. Thanks for the information..We are in prayer already about tomorrow..I am thankful that he has done so well. You guys hang in there and know that lots of people are lifting him up here and glad to know you have a blog..Jane Ellis

  5. Justin is so blessed to have such a loving family by his side through these hard times. Please tell him I'm so proud of him and that you are all in my prayers. God Bless! Jessica Roane
