Wednesday, February 25, 2009


Another Day Forward

Thankfully, each day seems to move us forward a bit. The days that were one day forward with two steps back were extremely difficult and hopefully behind us.

The swallowing test was supposed to be today and somehow it got cancelled. We are still praying for the nerves to heal and for Justin to move forward with his swallowing reflex. ***They did end up giving him the swallow test and he was unable to swallow. He thinks he is swallowing some saliva, but he was unable to swallow the pudding. He will get the stomach tube on Thursday and is happy to have it! The sooner that he gets it, the quicker he loses the nose tube, and the quicker he can go home. The chest sounds good, looks good, and has a little more work to do with his breathing to get the lungs 100%. The doctors are very encouraging that with time and training the swallowing will return.

Justin is so happy to be in a private room and cleaned up. He is getting his Ipod and phone recharged as I type! Sounds like a young to have those technological gadgets running!

Lastly, I have tried to email privately after reading comments and don't necessarily have everyone's email address. So, please know that we appreciate your encouragement and prayers. Thank you to all of our family and friends!


  1. were reading all your blogs and are pleased that things are turning the corner Melanie and Grant

  2. Sherrie..

    I am continuing to pray for Justin. It
    sounds like things are progressing.
    We love your family-
    Cindy Gatewood

  3. Sherrie,

    I think about your family daily and the trials and tribulations you must be going through. Just know that we continue to pray for your family and hope Justin is getting stronger everyday. He has come along way so far.

    Fanchen and Bill
